Western Cape Fuchsia Society


The Western Cape Fuchsia Society meets at 2pm on the first Saturday of each month between February and November at the St Thomas Church Hall, Campground Road in Rondebosch. Every month there is a practical workshop during which an experienced grower demonstrates a particular aspect of cultivating fuchsias relevant to that time of the year. Afterwards members have some practical experience, for example, in June and July they can bring any of their own plants that need potting-up and they will be guided through this process on these plant/s.

 The Society also invites a guest speaker to some meetings to talk about an interesting aspect of gardening, not necessarily connected to growing fuchsias.

Visitors are always welcome to participate and at the end of the meeting, they have the opportunity to discuss any aspect of fuchsia growing with the members over tea and cake.

Should you wish to join the Society, please contact the secretary (details provided below) for all relevant information.

A membership form may be downloaded here.


Meeting minutes

Date: 2nd November 2024


WCFS Minutes Monthly Meeting

Apologies: Greta, Gill, Susan, Kotie, Annette, Noeline


Present: 19 members


Jill welcomed all to the meeting, the last one of the year. A quiz was handed out to remind everyone what had been learned from the notes handed out at workshops throughout the year.


Jill explained the arrangement for the show at Christchurch, Constantia on 7 December.


Members will bench their plants on Friday 6 December, in order that judging can take place on Saturday 7 December, from 8.00-10.00. Members will be notified when the hall will be ready for benching their plants.

The show would be open to visitors from 10.00 until 4.00pm.

Thereafter there will be a prize giving for the winners of the various classes and there will be snacks and refreshments.

All are invited and encouraged to come and celebrate with the winners at our final get together of the year.


We ask that members are present during the show to help with the plant sales, information, and to talk to the public about our society.


Members were given notes on the show schedule and “What the judges are looking for”.


David then gave a comprehensive, presentation on “ Preparing your plants for the Show”.


Members will be required to phone or email David with their entries preferably by Wednesday 4 December, in order that he can an prepare the labelling of each exhibit for you to place with your plant on the bench.

David needs you to give him 

1. Your name

2. The class you are entering

3. The cultivar or if you don’t know - NOID


There is a lot of preparation involved for the Show Secretary, so please help David with this.


Please don’t come to the show, like my good friend Val who didn’t enter her plants, but came to the show each year and said “my plant is better than that winner”!


We really want as many different exhibitors as possible and to show the public our beautiful, rewarding plants.


Jill will be expecting to see as many ‘Billy’ Standards as possible please. We are not expecting flowers, just a plant forming a good head. The stem must be 27cms from the ground to the bottom branch.


Noeline has tirelessly collected wonderful prizes and garden vouchers as prizes so please enter as many plants as you can for the public to view and to advertise our society.


Please invite your friends and family to attend the show. There will be plant sales, an information table, a raffle, and a food truck for refreshments. Christchurch is such a beautiful venue with a lovely garden, they could spend a happy day/ morning/ afternoon, there.


The meeting closed with, as usual, delicious eats and drinks, thank you to the contributors.


The raffle made R660.