Western Cape Fuchsia Society


The Western Cape Fuchsia Society meets at 2pm on the first Saturday of each month between February and November at the St Thomas Church Hall, Campground Road in Rondebosch. Every month there is a practical workshop during which an experienced grower demonstrates a particular aspect of cultivating fuchsias relevant to that time of the year. Afterwards members have some practical experience, for example, in June and July they can bring any of their own plants that need potting-up and they will be guided through this process on these plant/s.

 The Society also invites a guest speaker to some meetings to talk about an interesting aspect of gardening, not necessarily connected to growing fuchsias.

Visitors are always welcome to participate and at the end of the meeting, they have the opportunity to discuss any aspect of fuchsia growing with the members over tea and cake.

Should you wish to join the Society, please contact the secretary (details provided below) for all relevant information.

A membership form may be downloaded here.


Meeting minutes

Date: June 2024


WCFS Minutes Monthly Meeting

Present:   29 Members and a  guest

Apologies: Joy Kessler, David Daniels and Jen Thom

Jill welcomed all to the meeting and spoke  about the reasons why we prune. She demonstrated pruning a basket and a standard Prune on green wood and remove all the leaves Prof  Jan's comprehensive notes for members explains all the reasons, including to shape the plant and getting rid of diseases


Put your plant about to be pruned on a  bucket for the extra height to see where old, spindly bits and diseased wood is and keep a bucket next to it to put the pruned bits in .Pruning should be done in a shaded area and will not take long

After pruning remove old leaves from the surface of the soil. Add some 2:3:2 and  top with fresh compost.


Felicity commenced with the pruning of an encliandra type fuchsia. Encliandras have small flowers and have fernlike leaves. As with pruning of other fuchsias, do not remove all the leaves. The plant can be root pruned at this stage, placed in the same or another pot with fresh compost

Encliandria types are more tolerant to pruning than other types of fuchsias

When fuchsias are pruned, spray with a Kelpak solution and do not let the soil dry out


Felicity, Jill and Francois then split to different tables to help members with their pruning

After a delicious tea, the raffle was as always a big success and made R1130


Thank you to Carla Joubert and Mia Roux for their help at the meeting